📄️ Models
There are six main models in Yggio:
Yggio hosts an MQTT broker. It can be used to subscribe to iotnode-updates and update some types of devices.
📄️ Commands
Through our REST-api you can send commands to your devices such as queueing LoRa downlinks and including/excluding z-wave devices. This documentation is designed to compliment our swagger documentation and the url is public.yggio.net/api/iotnodes/command.
📄️ Grafana
Yggio has API-support for the JSON data source. This enables API-users to host their own Grafana and view time-series data from Yggio. Below you find instructions and help on how to set it up.
📄️ Handling Iotnodes
This document contains some examples of some common API calls for handling iotnodes. A more detailed description of every endpoint can be found in the Swagger documentation.
This document contains some examples of some common API calls for handling iotnodes with the NGSI v2 API. You can also interact with iotnodes through the regular Yggio API. For more information about the Yggio API, see the Handling Iotnodes section.
📄️ Node Red
Node-RED Example Flow
📄️ OpenID Connect
OpenID Connect enables users to grant external applications access to resources in Yggio in a secure way.
📄️ Publishing to external services
Yggio supports pushing device update data to external services.
📄️ Reports
The Reports Model is a powerful Node.js module designed to streamline the management of reports within your application. It provides a robust framework for creating, updating, scheduling, and generating reports. In this documentation, we will guide you through the key functionalities of the Reports Model using the provided endpoints.
📄️ SDK
Currently there is only an SDK (Software Development Kit) for Node.js.
📄️ Time series data
Yggio saves numerical and string data into a time series database.
📄️ Translator API
As of Yggio version 3.4 the new Translator Service is now enabled. It enables developers to add their own Translators to Yggio. API details can be found in Swagger. This document describes in depth how the Translator Service works.