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Yggio v3.16


New features

  • Import devices from Netmore/Actility
  • Added new translators(Sagemcom, Vayyar, Qalcosonioc Wh1, mclimate-vicki, nexelec, wavetrend, mutelcor)
  • CPv2 features to add devices/connectors
  • CPv2 Batch channels feature
  • CPv2 Batch sync device
  • Semtech Lora Cloud wifi positioning


  • Timeseries Database improvements
  • Calculated nodes improvements
  • Security improvements
  • Updated Yggio connector for Power Bi
  • Rule engine improvements
  • Translator improvements
  • Chart improvements
  • Added SMS restriction for forbidden characters and character limit

Bug Fixes

  • Real time device updates
  • Various Grafana bugs
  • CPv2 Chart bugs
  • CPv2 UI bugs
  • Thingpark downlink bug
  • Lora control UI bug
  • Batch configure bug
  • Generic node bugs

Known Isues

  • Lora gateways does not update automatically
  • Calculated node sometimes give errors

Yggio v3.16.1


Bug Fixes

  • Translator bug

Yggio v3.16.2


Bug Fixes

  • Translator bug

Yggio v3.16.3


Bug Fixes

  • Channels bug

Yggio v3.16.4


Bug Fixes

  • Simens desigo channel bug