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Yggio v3.20


New features

  • Device logging (major feature)
  • Rule engine log/alarm action
  • Yggio performance (significant improvement)

General improvements

  • Grafana updates: simpod-json-datasource upgraded to version 0.6.0
  • Yggio Docs
  • Axios integration
  • Yggio on small screen
  • Clearer toaster messages

Bug Fixes

  • Renamed Rule Engine Actions/Conditions

API Changes

  • Connector route added
  • PUT users/password route removed

Known Issues

Translator flow:

Device translators

  • Axis-ACAP-Speed-Monitor
  • Brighter Bins
  • Dragino LT 22222
  • Zenner Easy Protect Radio
  • NKE Watteco BoB assistant AI vibration sensor
  • Milesight EM300 ZLD
  • Milesight UC300

Improved device translators

  • Holley DTZ541 (mitigation for hardware issue)
  • Synetica enlink series
  • Polysense wxs 8800 timeseries
  • Sagemcom Siconia Water Wm

Functional translators

  • Battery voltage thresholds
  • Battery level thresholds
  • Temperature2 thresholds
  • Mold Risk Detector
  • Dew point analysis
  • Frame loss analysis
  • Shared devices requires login and logout to take effect

Yggio v3.20.1 - 3.20.11

Bug fixes

  • Access rights
  • Value field
  • Rule-engine conflicts
  • Grafana cache
  • Semtech WiFi and Gnss GPS positioning requests
  • Device list issue
  • Pagination


Yggio v3.18


New features

  • Report generator
  • Translator Flow
  • Chained translators
  • SmartGatewayNL integration
  • BLE gateway C3PO integration
  • Delta Controls EnteliWeb integration


  • Sensative Strips translator
  • Milesight EM300-TH and EM500-PT100 translator
  • Holley Electric Energy Meter DTZ541-ZDBL translator
  • Netvox R718J translators
  • Device sorting
  • Dragino-LHT65 translator
  • Dewpoint translator calculation
  • Grafana
  • Open weather map
  • Frostprecipitation translator
  • Import devices (support for +100 devices)
  • Real Estate Core integration
  • Charts
  • Batch config for Netmore and Actility
  • Location manager color coded device icon (alarms / thresholds)
  • Skånetrafiken integration

Bug Fixes

  • Netmore batch install guide
  • Add Device wizard (LoRaWAN mac version supported)
  • Calculated nodes
  • Translator
  • Batch config channels
  • Batch config general

Known Issues

  • Temporarily disabled 500 and 1000 in device list
  • Lora gateways does not update automatically

API Changes

  • POST /iotnodes/batch moved to /jobs/iotnodes